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Register for Summer and Fall 2024


Seat Availability in Real-Time

获取最新的课程和座位列表, use "Search for Sections" in the registration portal.

New Student

Explore Admissions 按照以下步骤指导自己完成注册过程. 如果您有任何问题或需要帮助,我们的澳门网上真人赌博官网团队随时准备为您提供帮助. Just ask!

Complete these steps to get registered for classes.

要注册课程,你必须先被录取. Apply online now.

Get help paying for college by submitting your application for financial aid and scholarships. (School Code: 007692)

如果你有问题或需要帮助开始,财务援助将从上午8点远程提供.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Contact Financial  Aid at (708) 974-5726 or financialaid@yabo9995.com.


Check the test exempt list before scheduling your placement test.

分班考试提供全年周一至周六预约. Call (708) 974-5309 to schedule.

预约时间为周一至周四上午8:30.m. to 5:30 p.m., Friday 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., and Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Placement tests typically require 2.5 hours to complete.

欲了解更多信息,请致电(708)974-5309或 testingservices@yabo9995.com.

You can submit your official  ACT/SAT, (盖章)高中成绩单或高中同等学历证书电子件. Please send them to transcripts@yabo9995.com

如果你在另一所学校修过大学课程,想转到冰碛谷, 此外,您还必须将以前就读的大学的正式成绩单和成绩单评估申请表发送到 transcripts@yabo9995.com.

If you need assistance please contact 708-974-5730.

Complete New Student Orientation. 这个强制性的培训包括在线模块(第一部分)和校园或电话会话(第二部分)。. Part I presents key policies and student resources, 第二部分允许你选择和注册你的课程.

Register for courses and make payment using MVConnect or by calling (708) 974-2110.

在提交填妥的申请表后一小时内, 您可以致电(708)608-4357与帮助台联系,获取您的Moraine Valley用户名和密码.

这些凭证将允许您访问您的学生电子邮件和学生门户网站,称为 MVConnect. 您还将在几天内收到一封欢迎信,其中包括您的MVConnect用户名和密码.


  • Log into MVConnect
  • Select "Registration" from the Self-Service Menu
  • 根据当前学术术语和至少一个其他标准搜索和/或注册章节, like subject, location, instructor, and more. 确保你收到了你想要的学期的回复, choose from the Term drop-down menu
  • 选择并提交您想要注册的课程,并按照提供的说明完成注册并在您的帐户上付款

如果你需要帮助计划你的时间表和学位或证书的路径,使用 Student Planning 工具,或访问位于S楼S201室的学术咨询.

在你注册了课程之后,是时候支付你的学费了. There are several ways to do this, including paying in-person with cash, credit card, 请到S楼的出纳处领取支票或汇票, Room S105, on the main campus in Palos Hills.

Cashier's Office Hours
Monday and Tuesday: 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Wednesday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
*Please note: Summer hours vary

By Phone

Pay with a credit card via MVConnect.

  1. Enter your password
  2. Click the Self-Service Menu
  3. Click on the Students
  4. 在“学生”下,单击“学生帐户信息”
  5. Click on Make a Payment
  6. Click on Pay on My Account

如果您需要进一步的帮助,请通过申请, registration and payment processes, please contact Admissions at (708) 974-5355.

Our Class Formats

该学院提供面对面、在线和混合课程. While the majority of our classes are in-person, 在线和混合选择让学生在安排家庭生活方面更加灵活, work and other demands. 

Returning Student Registration

如果你已经有了冰碛谷的用户名和密码,你可以访问 MVConnect, the college's student portal. 该门户网站允许学生自助服务和24小时注册课程. 如果你遵循以下步骤,在冰碛谷注册课程很容易:


  • Log into MVConnect.
  • Select "Registration" from the Self-Service Menu.
  • 根据当前学术术语和至少一个其他标准搜索和/或注册章节, like subject, location, instructor, and more. 确保你收到了你想要的学期的回复, choose from the Term drop-down menu.
  • 选择并提交您想要注册的课程,并按照提供的说明完成注册并在您的帐户上付款.

如果你需要帮助计划你的时间表和学位或证书的路径,使用 Student Planning 工具,或访问位于S楼S201室的学术咨询.

在你注册了课程之后,是时候支付你的学费了. There are several ways to do this, including paying in-person with cash, credit card, 请到S楼的出纳处取支票或汇票, Room S105, on the Palos Hills campus.

Cashier's Office Hours
Monday and Tuesday: 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Wednesday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
*Please note: Summer hours vary

By Phone

Pay online with a credit card via MVConnect.

  1. Enter your password
  2. Click the Self-Service Menu
  3. Click on the Students
  4. 在“学生”下,单击“学生帐户信息”
  5. Click on Make a Payment
  6. Click on Pay on My Account

如果您需要进一步的帮助,请通过申请, registration and payment processes, please contact Admissions at (708) 974-5355.


Hours and Appointments

Admissions Office Hours
Monday - Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Registration can be contacted at (708) 974-2110 or registration@yabo9995.com.



Start your admission application.



Schedule a tour at one of our three locations.

Theresa Hattar, of Chicago, 是2018年冰碛谷社区学院入选校友名人堂的四位校友之一吗.

Ask Admissions


Palos Hills

Blue Island

Tinley Park