STEM(科学, 技术, 工程与数学)是一个国家, regional and local initiative emphasizing the need to increase global competitiveness in these areas. As a result, workplace opportunities are growing for students seeking occupations in the STEM fields.



我们相信科学, 技术, 工程学和数学自然地相互影响,相互依赖. 相应的, we believe a STEM education is most authentic when these areas are understood as being connected and explored together. We recognize that a STEM career carries with it great power and responsibility. 冰碛谷的STEM中心致力于:

  • 招募不同的学生加入STEM项目
  • 维护和创造高质量的STEM教育体验, 活动, 有吸引力的项目和资源, 创新及时
  • Providing meaningful and equitable access to high-quality STEM experiences and education to all
  • Developing knowledgeable, innovative, ethical and thoughtful leaders in STEM
  • Assisting Moraine Valley students in attaining their educational and career-focused goals
  • 我们社区的STEM教育



工程路径计划 offered at Moraine Valley is a smart and cost-effective way to guarantee transfer admission into the College of Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This competitive program is designed for high school seniors who plan to enroll as first-time college students at Moraine Valley for the fall semester 毕业后. 女学生, 低的收入, 第一代, 和/或来自代表性不足的民族的学生被鼓励申请.

冰碛谷提供各种各样的学位, career programs and certificates to get your started in a career in healthcare. 这些包括: 去探索它们.

T在这里 are many STEM transfer degrees, career programs and certificates offered at Moraine Valley. 它们包括:

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绿色学者计划 at Moraine Valley aims to close the racial equity gap in STEM professions by financially and academically supporting students from racial and ethnic groups currently underrepresented in STEM and who demonstrate financial need.

最高3美元的经济援助,000 a year and one-on-one advising and mentoring are designed to help students succeed. 格里尔的学者 are part of a cohort of STEM peers engaging in diverse academic and social opportunities.

得到 更多的信息 关于项目和资格. 如有疑问,请联系伊丽莎白·巴雷拉 电子邮件 或致电(708)974-5618.

Skyway STEM竞赛是一个 海报大赛 for Illinois college students designed to encourage participation in STEM-related disciplines. Students pose a question and use inquiry-based methods from their respective fields to investigate their topic. Students have the opportunity to work closely with a faculty member to identify a research topic of interest and submit it for consideration. 的 deadline for topic submission is prior to the end of the fall semester. Up to ten student topics are selected and students are supported in their research and poster creation through the spring semester. 顶级海报在地区比赛中竞争. 有兴趣参加的学生可以联系Peter Placas

查看提交的2021海报比赛 在这里.

T在这里 are various student clubs available to Moraine Valley students interested in learning about and engaging in STEM. Student clubs are a great way to explore areas of STEM you love and those that you may not yet be familiar with, 同时了解你的同龄人,享受乐趣. 我们的一些与STEM相关的俱乐部包括, 机器人俱乐部, 数学俱乐部, 心理学俱乐部, 学生护理组织和法医组织. 查看我们的STEM活动日历,了解俱乐部何时会面. To learn more about all the student clubs and organizations offered visit our 学生生活页面.

To join Moraine's student STEM Club, contact faculty advisor, Paula DeAnda-Shah 通过电子邮件.

Moraine Valley supports women considering careers in 技术 through its 技术指导计划中的女性. 该项目得到了美国国家开发署的资助 国家科学基金会.

的 mentoring group allows students entering programs in 技术 to connect with experienced female students and professionals. 这些导师可以提供指导, 回答问题并分享有关职业机会的信息. 的 unique relationship between students and professionals makes the transition from college into the work world smoother and less intimidating.

If you are a 技术 student looking for a mentor or you are a STEM professional interested in serving as a mentor, 联系Angela Spyropoulos 电子邮件 或拨打(708)974-5602 ext. 2184.

冰碛谷探险家 classes offer engaging hands-on courses whether your child is looking to explore their creative side or refresh their academic skillset. Led by our team of dedicated teaching faculty Moraine Valley will help children and teens discover, 想象和创造.

冰碛谷基金会颁发的奖项 奖学金 每年给学生. 通过填写 单笔奖学金申请,学生将自动获得200多项奖学金.

T在这里 are a variety of 奖学金 and different criteria for 奖学金, including some 奖学金 specifically for students working toward STEM degrees and certificates. 奖学金金额从250美元到5000美元不等.
